Below you find detailed instructions on the assembly of an aluminium and plexi-glass case for the TC1 seismometer. It was successfully tested by an 11-year old volunteer from Oratia District School (thank you, Hayden!)
when you get the parts, notice the screws sticking out of the aluminium stock.
Do not remove the screws! But if you did, you would notice a dimple in the screw. A small Allen-keyed post inserts in the dimple to connect the pieces of the frame. If you happen to take out the screw, see the last image to line up the dimple.
Lay out the base, with the slot for the USB cable on the floor, and the Allen-keyed posts pointing outward.
Slide the vertical posts in between the horizontal ones. If the screw is too far in the horizontal piece to fit in, undo the Allen-keyed posts just a little bit.
Tighten the screws with the supplied Allen key. If the frame does not tighten, the dimple in the screw is not aligned with the Allen-keyed post. See last image to (re)align.
Sides completed.
Insert the black back panel. Think about what part you want to be the back panel, based on the slot for the USB cable.
Insert the clear side panels
Assemble the top on the floor.
Top and the rest of the case
Put the top in place with two pairs (i.e., 4) hands.
Seccure the top. Again, the screws should be only loose enough for the top to slide onto the vertical posts.
…. and fasten with the Allen-keyed screws. Again, if the top does not tighten onto the vertical posts, the dimple is not flush with the Allen-keyed post.
If the dimple is not alligned, take out the little Allen-keyed post all together. Now, you can see the screw with the dimple in the hole of the frame. You may use the Allen-key to line up the dimple. Then reinsert the Allen-keyed post to tighten the screw.
Click on the images for more detail and a short description.Once assembled, it is recommended to fasten the completed case to a wall.
Thank you Mark, Trevor, Steve and all others from the Science and Engineering Workshop!