If your institution wants to get involved in the Ru network, there are a couple of things to consider. In terms of hardware, you will need a public place (library, or foyer) with easy access to:
- power, and
- a wired internet connection
The hardware you need consists of:
- the TC1 seismometer,
- a dedicated computer,
- a case to protect the device from bumps.
Maybe most importantly, you need a Station Manager. A teacher would be the most logical choice, but it could be a parent. The station manager does not need to be a seismologist, but someone who can field basic questions from students, solve small problems with the station, and relay bigger ones to us for troubleshooting.
To give you an idea on how your class project may go, you can watch this video.
In the early days, support from the Foundation of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, allowed us to sponsor scholarships available for the most suited institutions. The current model is for schools to self-fund the hardware. If you want to know more, please write us.